rows of bookshelves in library

Interlibrary Loan Request

Ocean County College Library provides Interlibrary Loan Services for 365球赛平台 and Kean Ocean faculty, staff, and students. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) offers patrons access to materials from thousands of public and academic libraries across the country. If you are searching for an item and the 365球赛平台 Library does not have it, you may request the item through our ILL service. 

Most of the time we can obtain requested items – books and articles have the highest success rate – but in some instances (a rare book for example) it may not be possible. Most institutions do not lend reference books, textbooks, microfilm, or archival materials. Some libraries will lend media such as CDs and DVDs. Please allow at least two weeks for the request to be filled.

Interlibrary Loan Guidelines

  • Check the Library Catalog to see if the Ocean County College Library already owns a copy of the desired book. Your Interlibrary Loan Request will NOT be processed if the library has access to the requested item.  
  • Check the Full Text Journal Directory (Library home page under Quick Links) to see if the library has online access to the desired article. Journals available in print can be found in the Library Catalog
  • A Reference Librarian may be able to assist you if you are unsure how to locate a particular item. Please use the chat box in the Library Services tab of your Ocean Connect account or on our website for assistance.  
  • Due to copyright laws, the library can only request 5 articles from the same publication (within its last 5 years of print) per calendar year. 
  • Patrons must have an up to date student ID card or faculty/employee ID card.
  • Non-students/non-employees cannot request Interlibrary loan materials. Patrons from the Ocean County community are encouraged to contact their local public library for ILL services.

Requests must be made for a specific item. We cannot search for an item by subject or keyword. The more specific the better.

  • Due dates are set by the lending library.
  • Renewals must be made on or before the due date shown on the item.
  • Renewals may be denied by the lending library.  An ILL staff member will contact the patron regarding the due date of a denied renewal request.

Your borrowed items are to be returned to the Ocean County College Library circulation desk in a timely fashion.
The patron is responsible for any damage caused to ILL materials while in their possession. Damage fees are under determination of the lending library.
Patrons are not responsible for any items lost once they have been checked in by library staff.

Kean Ocean

Kean Ocean patrons can request materials from the main Kean (Union) campus to be sent to the 365球赛平台 Library. Access the request form here. Please note: this request form is only for items owned by the Kean Learning Commons. 

Request a Book or Article Online

Once you have found the book or article you would like to request in our catalog, select the blue “Request with Interlibrary Loan” button on the right-hand side of your screen. 

If you encounter an error when going through the catalog, please utilize the forms below to place your request.  

Request a Book 

Request an Article 


Call (732) 255-0400 ext. 2247

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